
Here, you can find pictures, movie trivia, and everything there is to know about Pandora and all of it's inhabitants.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Here are some of my favorite wallpapers. The links for the artists that created them (that I know about) are beneath in the code of their names. Click thumbnails for larger downloads...


more after the jump....



  1. I have uploaded very high resolution pictures from AVATAR on Google Picasa Web Albums with newest pictures from "Behind the Scenes Featurette Creating the World of Pandora" and if You use Twitter - could You retweet this - http://twitter.com/adamkpl86/status/8109443142 ?

  2. Thank you(!) for linking my name. I've seen this picture like everywhere by now, and it's sad that only a few people do the right thing, it needs to be encouraged ;)
    Thanks for being one of the favourites aswell ;)
